Monday, April 10, 2006

OH: Preble County Awaits Printer for Absentee Ballots!

April 4, 2006
By Rebecca Helmes
Staff writer, Palladium-Item News;

PREBLE COUNTY, Ohio -- On Wednesday voters across most of Ohio had the opportunity to start casting absentee ballots.

But not here.

Preble County Board of Elections Director Marilyn Jackson said her county is still waiting to receive its ballots from the printer and she doesn't know when they'll come in.

"We just don't have them yet," Jackson said about absentee ballots. "Not everybody's (other counties across Ohio) delayed."

Ken Fields, spokesman for Election Systems and Software -- the company that sold Preble County its optical scan election equipment for this year and is providing the ballots -- said it is his understanding that the county just agreed to the ballot on Monday.

Ginny Weiler, deputy director for the Preble County Board of Elections, said the office found errors on the ballot Thursday and finally was able to speak with ES&S to resolve the issue on Monday.

James Lee, a spokesman for the Ohio Secretary of State, said he anticipates that the Preble County Board of Elections is sending out absentee ballot applications. Applications must be completed before people are allowed to cast absentee ballots.

"I'm confident that the board of elections is doing everything that they can to provide ballots to citizens," Lee said.

Indiana counties started absentee balloting Monday. Wayne County didn't have many absentee voters, but that gave the Wayne County Clerk's Office employees a chance to adjust to a new mandated statewide ballot system.

"We've had I think a few voters in," Wayne County Clerk Sue Anne Lower said. "It's been hectic."

Reporter Rebecca Helmes: (765) 973-4478 or
Originally published April 4, 2006


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